Sunday, January 16, 2011

In My Mailbox

This week I've been in the mood for YA romances.  Yes, I know I'm always in the mood for that, but this week even more so!  Perhaps it's because that little known holiday all about love is fast approaching? Who knows!  Plus I saw the new movie trailer for Beastly & thought I should read the book before the movie comes out.  Another similarity I'm noticing with my book choices lately: photography.  Either the character in the story takes photos, or the story line is centered around photography.  My good friend Capillya from that cover girl pointed this out to me, in which I told her it's my subconscious love for photography that's doing it! So here are my lovey-dovey-photographic books I got this week ♥

Beastly by Alex Flinn
Play Me by Laura Ruby
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandi Nelson
All You Get Is Me by Yvonne Prinz (arc Tour)

What's in YOUR mailbox this week?
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren



  1. I've never heard of PLAY ME, but I love the cover. Gotta check it out on Goodreads now :)

    Here's what's in my mailbox this week!

  2. Looks like a few good books. I want to read beastly to before it comes out in theatres.

  3. Awesome book covers! Beastly, the movie, does look pretty good!!

  4. Great books! I've been wanting to read The Sky is Everywhere forever! And I'd like to read Beastly in case I see the movie. Hope you enjoy your books! :)

    My IMM

  5. Photography + Reading = Awesome!
    I read Beastly and enjoyed it. I've heard great things about The Sky Is Everywhere, too. I need to pick that one up! Looking forward to your reviews.

  6. I really want the BEASTLY....looking forward to your review

  7. What a cool mailbox this week. Hope you have fun reading :)You can find my IMM at The Bookishsnob

  8. I loved both Beastly & The Sky is Everywhere I hope you do too. Happy reading :D

  9. The Sky is Every Where is a really great book! Beastly and All You Get Is Me are high on my wishlist. Enjoy those great books! :D


  10. Everyones getting Beastly! I need to get it too! :D
    Happy Reading!

    My IMM

  11. I love your mailbox photo!

    I've always wanted to read Play Me and even saw it once for $5 but never purchased it. (kicking myself as I write this lol)I look forward to your review for it along with All You Get Is Me.

    The other two I read and really enjoyed. :)

    Happy reading Ginger!

  12. Have you read Flash Burnout? Another book that involves photography ...

    Happy reading!

  13. I totally want All You Get is Me! And I want to read Beastly before seeing the movie. Need to get on that. GAL

    Love your mailbox. All sound great.

  14. Great reads! I loved Sky Is Everywhere and really want to read Beastly.
    My IMM

  15. Great bunch of books! I notice I subconsciously choose books with the same theme too, lately it's been books on going abroad. :D I hope you enjoy all of your books, I've heard great things about The Sky is Everywhere.

  16. Beastly is am amazing book [:
    And i love the All you can get is me cover as well as The Sky is Everywhere... GORGEOUS! =D
    looking forward to your reviews [:

  17. Loved Beastly and The Sky Is Every Where! Enjoy!

    Happy Reading!

  18. The Sky is Everywhere is a great book! I also got Beastly and All You Get Is Me this week!

  19. I can't wait to read Beastly (hurry up library!) and I had never heard of The Sky is Everywhere until I started reading bloggers' Best in 2010 posts. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on all of your wonderful books :)

  20. Every time I go to post on someone's, Jacinda has already been here and said what I wanted to say. :( Haha. I can't wait to read Beastly!

  21. Beastly was pretty good. I won The Sky is Everywhere in a blog contest, but haven't read it yet.

    Glad to find another Houston blogger! Jen from Unedited and I are organizing a Houston blogger book swap in February. Interested?

  22. I cannot wait to read Beastly, and especially see the movie. I think Alex Pettyfer is the ONLY blond guy that I think is attractive. I got The Sky is Everywhere last week, too :) I've heard nothing but amazingness about that one. Great mailbox!


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