Save the Date is a fabulous feature created by the amazing Jamie from The Perpetual Page-Turner. The idea behind this feature is to get the word out early for books we've read before the pub date, but our full review won't be posted until later, closer to its publication.
About the book: Hadley St. Clair's life changed the day she came home to a front door covered in slips of paper, each of them revealing the ugly truth about her father. Now as her family falls apart in the wake of his year-long affair, Hadley wants everyone-her dad most of all-to leave her alone.
Then she meets Sam Bennett, a cute new boy who inexplicably "feels like home" to Hadley. Hadley and Sam's connection is undeniable, but Sam has a secret about his family that could ruin everything.
Funny and passionate, Suffer Love is a story about first love, family dysfunction, and the fickle hand of fate. [goodreads]
to be published May 3, 2016 by HMH Books for Young Readers
This is an emotional young adult novel that takes a closer look at how the infidelities of parents can affect their children, and the way we choose to deal with (or not deal with) the implications of them. The two main characters in this story are easy to fall in love with, which makes the heartache that much greater to bare. If you're a fan of YA novels that make you feel, I highly recommend adding this one to your to-be-read list for May.

Ooh sounds really good. I'm definitely curious! I love the name Hadley too. :)