It will be four years in September that I created GReads! When I first embarked on this adventure, I had little idea about the book blogging community. I saw an outlet to discuss books with other people and thought, hey let's do that! And so this adventure turned into one of the best experiences of my life. But lately I've felt a shift when it comes to me and my blog. And I start to ask myself, is GReads still interesting??! I feel proud of this blog and the little piece of the internet that I have created. My mission since day one was to get the word out on what I read and hopefully entice someone else to pick up a book and read it, too. On the slow days, which seem to be occurring more often, I can't help but wonder... are my thoughts still interesting?
I am not worried about numbers, but it's nice to have a feeling of validity that you are reaching someone -- even if that someone is just one person. As I become a teacher, I am constantly being told that I will not reach every student that crosses through my door. But if I can impact just one student, then I've done my job. I guess I feel the same regard when it comes to this book blog. On those slow days (or weeks), it's nice to know your words, your thoughts, impacted someone however little or big that may be.
For the bloggers that have been around a few years, do you ever feel like this? To all bloggers, how do you keep things interesting on your blog?

I feel like this a whole lot. I started in June of the same year you did and this has been wearing on me a lot. To be honest, I'm nervous going to BEA this year because I feel irrelevant? Esp when most of the people who embarked on that journey that first year with me have either quit or aren't going. I feel like I'm still pretty excited about what I'm doing on the blog but sometimes I wonder if people have grown bored with me lol ESPECIALLY on the slow days.
ReplyDeleteI might not comment as much on blogs but I still read from my phone and value your recommendations for sure xoxo
Jamie, I still think you have a very prominent voice in this community. You are definitely NOT boring! I love that we started this journey around the same time. And they're we're still here, doing it because we love to read and get others excited about reading. You inspire me, Jamie! <3
DeleteI'm a newish blogger, only a little over a year in, and I can say without a doubt that I read your blog everyday. I sometimes read at home on my iPad and I can't always comment because of that, but I love it. It teaches me on how I should run and do my own blog. Actually all of the "veteran" bloggers do. So know that you are at least reaching one person a day with just me. :-)
ReplyDeleteI still can't believe you've only had your blog for a year. Your voice definitely sounds like you've been doing this a lot longer. Thank you, Andi, for your sweet words. I appreciate your love on my blog :)
DeleteHi Ginger. I have been blogging for a little over two years, so definitely not as long as you have, but I also worry that what I'm posting isn't interesting. But then, other times I think, but I'm doing this blog for myself first. I want people to find it interesting, definitely, but first it needs to be what I want it to be.
ReplyDeleteI definitely think your blog is interesting. I have picked up a number of books based on your reviews!!
I definitely agree about doing this blog thing for yourself. I never want to produce content just to please my readers. These thoughts are my own, and they're important to me. Thank you for reminding me of that :)
DeleteAlthough I'm not blogging as long as you (2 years and 2 months) I think I'm still interested in blogging because of the interaction with my followers. I love seeing comments and replying to them. I love writing, so creating posts isn't really a problem. The only thing I sometimes struggle with is keeping things.. new/refreshing and original. I guess I enjoy it so much, because I don't care about numbers/stats. I do what I want to do, I post whenever I can and want & I read what I want. It's the thing that completes me :D
ReplyDeleteThe interaction between bloggers & readers is definitely a high point for me, too. After all I started this blog so I could talk to others about what I read. I love getting feedback, engaging in conversation, and listening to what others have to say. Reading can be so much more than just your own eyes on a page. It can truly be an interactive experience!
DeleteI think as long as you love what you put out and think it's interesting - then it is! I don't think anything we write will be interesting to everyone, and people will come and go - I'm one of those rellatively new to your blog - and I love it :-)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely agree that if YOU are interested in what you're writing, then that's all that should matter. But sometimes it's nice to feel as though your words & thoughts have reached someone else, too. Thank you so much for coming back to my blog time after time & reading my thoughts. I do appreciate it!
DeleteHi Ginger! I remember you when you first started and yes I do feel the same way. I read and then post reviews. I discuss about books. I do the same thing everyday. And I still love it. But I have been doing this for such a long time that I wonder if it is getting out to everyone. And you what? It is. I still come by your blog and see what you have been doing. And I like that you post your thoughts. There are true and fun to read. So keep going!!
ReplyDeleteSavannah, thank you so much for being a reader of my blog after all this time. I really do appreciate it!
DeleteSpeaking as someone who has been blogging for less than a year (Pop! Goes The Reader will turn one in June) I know exactly what you're talking about. Ultimately I blog for myself, to share my thoughts and feelings on what I'm reading, but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to reach someone. Otherwise there would be no point in publishing my thoughts on a public forum like a blog! I think every blogger worries about longevity, identity, creativity, etc. It's nice to know that someone who has been blogging for as long as you have and who I admire struggles with these same issues as well. For what it's worth, I read GReads! absolutely every day, even though I may not always have time to comment. Your reviews and recommendations are some of the ones I trust most, and I for one appreciate all the time and effort you clearly put into each and every post. Also, I find it helps to look at it this way: No matter how old your blog is, it will always be 'new' to someone. Whether you've been blogging for four months or four years, there will always be someone new who stumbles across it, and who is unfamiliar with your prior posts and style. As long as you're true to who you are, doing what you love and making yourself happy, there will always be an audience for that, no matter the size.
ReplyDeleteJen, your comments have always been such a delight for me to read! Always so thoughtful and personal. I really appreciate that <3 I think you said it best, how it doesn't matter the length of time you've been blogging b/c you can be new to anyone! I need to keep that in mind.
DeleteVery true-I just found GReads yesterday and am a now following :)
DeleteHaving been blogging for less than year, I don't know if my feelings of wanting to be interesting and keep good content getting out are as big as yours, but I know that personally, the feeling that people are leaving and not returning isn't a good feeling. I like to imagine that my discussions and thoughts are getting out to people, and that I'm helping encourage and discourage people to and from specific books, as well as formed friends in the community, but knowing that as of right now, I'm still loving blogging, and that it's the biggest and largest project I've ever stuck at for so long is enough to keep me going. I'm a recent follower, but I visit your blog quite often and love your reviews, so considering I get bored of things quite easily and quickly, you're doing something right Ginger :)
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to know I haven't bored you :) ha! Thank you for your thoughts on this.
DeleteI haven't been blogging for very long and I feel a bit like that sometimes! I'm putting these words and ideas out there and sometimes I get some likes and some comments (that I realllly appreciate) and sometimes not so much. I know numbers aren't everything but it's hard not to associate numbers with impact. But I've had a few encouraging words and discussions with some bloggers so I take it as a good sign. Your blog was definitely one of the ones that inspired me to start blogging, so I'd say you've made an impact :)
ReplyDeleteAs I said before, and you reminded me now, I hope I'm making an impact... even if it's just on one person. So, thank you for that! I appreciate your words and wow, so honored that I inspired you to begin blogging :) Thank you.
DeleteI'm not a blogger, but am an avid reader. I've been lurking around on GReads! for the past couple of years and although I don't think I've ever commented before, after reading the above post I just wanted to reach out and say to you that I for one love your blog. Everything about it from it's simple, yet effective layout to your discussion posts, and of course your reviews keep me coming back each and every day. I also stalk you on Twitter! I have picked up a fair amount of books, some of which I never would have picked up otherwise, purely based on your recommendations and will no doubt continue to do so!
ReplyDeleteKaren, your comment made me step back a bit and really think about the true meaning in all of this. YOU represent exactly what I had hoped to accomplish by sharing my thoughts on what I read. I can't tell you how grateful I am to know that I've made this sort of impact. Thank you for reading my words, for trusting my opinions, and discovering books.
DeleteYou're welcome. I'm just sorry that I haven't reached out to you before. I don't have much of an online presence (I'm more of a lurker) so commenting isn't something that I really participate in, but I should have taken the time to contact you long before now!
DeleteI think about giving up the whole thing every day lately. My blog is barely hanging on to life support. But you say what you can and maybe people read it and life goes on. I think people will always be interested in what you say, Ginger. Me...I'm not so sure. Lol.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I still feel like that. I get at least one visit a day. But I wish there was more interaction. I have trouble fulfilling that part of the blogging life: community conversation.I can never come up with good/great discussion posts, I feel like that's my ultimate downfall. There are a few books that I've managed to encourage people to read, but apart from that - nothing.
ReplyDeleteOMG yes and I totally have changed my blog over times, because my interests have changed . Blogging is an outlet and you reach people with book reviews and even being on twitter. I think the friendships I have made are more important than the books I review. I have been doing this for over 8 years ..and 4 on books.
ReplyDeleteI really in the end blog for myself. Meaning... if I find the conversation interesting then hey... I am going to publish it! I have been blogging for over three years now and love it. I have some followers and some just people stopping by and then moving on to the next blog. I appreciate them all!
ReplyDeleteMy co-blogger and I feel this way all the time. Then I read a post by someone I have been following for years and I realize experienced bloggers are interesting and relevant and often have the wisdom of years of knowing their subject matter ~Sheri
ReplyDeleteI'm still a fairly new blogger and I'm already asking myself this question-I had NO idea there were so many book review themed blogs already established when I created my blog, and it's very overwhelming trying to find your voice and place among all of them.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to find my niche and make my blog unique (I only review library books and focus on the library aspect as much as possible), but then I stumble on blogs that are actually written by real librarians, and it makes me feel a bit... small :p
But, I'm having a lot of fun with my blog and my numbers are actually pretty solid for being a newbie blog yet, so things are going good so far-we'll see how it's going in a year or two though, lol.
Love your blog and now following through bloglovin :)
Finley Jayne
I'm still fairly new to blogging, about 7 months or so, and even now I worry about being interesting. I struggle to find a balance between blogging, reading, working, a social life and finding time for other things I enjoy like movies and Tv shows. It means that I write a lot of memes and book reviews, but not a lot of discussion posts and other unique aspects.
ReplyDeleteYou have a great blog and content so I wouldn't worry too much. My blog is pretty slow going in numbers sometimes and I try not to let it bother me. I really just enjoy being able to get my opinion on books out there and hope that someone, anyone reads it. Hopefully in the future I will be able to find my voice, and start to find time to write more posts that show more of my personality.
Hello! I started a comment when this post went live + then deleted it because I didn't feel it was good enough. But I'm back to try again. I think it's natural after doing one thing for so long to feel not as interesting / exciting sometimes. Especially when this community has grown SO MUCH since you started. SO SO SO MUCH. There are so many times I feel like I'm hitting my head against the wall because I can't come up with something creative or interesting when I want it to happen. I've realized that the best ideas come when I'm not even looking, and when I'm unhappy with writing or whatever, I take that time to take a total break or chat with one of my blog friends. This happens a lot with Disney things because I'm not a local, I will never be "breaking news" and so much has already been said about trips. Hard to keep it interesting but I really truly adore the people in the Disney community because anytime I'm feeling low, we talk we collaborate and it's almost like I have five co-bloggers. It definitely inspires me, and helps to brainstorm with others. A boost of confidence, a different way of looking at things based on what they say, etc.
ReplyDeleteJust like anything you need to know your limits. When you are happy, when you need to take a step back but you also have to be proud of what you have done + how far you have gotten! It truly is remarkable to have devoted so much time to this over the years. If you talk to other people, it's more likely they haven't stuck with something quite as long. :)
Think about all you do -- family time, having your own place, school, reading, etc. It's amazing! And I think you doing those things also brings something to the content you have on your blog and your voice. :) We all have those down days (weeks?) but I think it only means something amazing is coming.
Okay, longest comment ever. haha
I think I've got to begin this comment by declaring this: Your blog was one of the first ones I really read and loved in this gigantic book blogging community. The novels you reviewed weren't necessarily formerly my cup of tea (I was a HUGE fantasy reader, not so much contemporary), but I found great series (The Summer series!) and book (My Life Next Door!) recommendations, thanks to our similar tastes. So you should totally know you had an impact on me, and my reading habits!
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, yes, I think we all struggle with this at some point. I'd like to think I'm fairly consistent with what I'm good at (which is my reviews). I do wish I were a touch more creative so that I could come up with some cool features like I see scattered all around the blogging community. But instead of getting down about that, I choose to view these fresh and fun posts as inspiration and encouragement to try and see things in a different way or to talk about things that I'm personally interested in and passionate about (and to perhaps combine that with books and blogging!).
I think, in the end, blogging is supposed to be FUN. It's supposed to be an activity we do because we enjoy it, and the connections we make from it. I think it's an incredible feat that you've made it all the way to FOUR years. That's quite the milestone and deserves to be celebrated! Your passion for what you read certainly still shows, and I can't wait for more :)