October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is something I support since I understand the importance of early detection and education. I come from a family of women who have been affected by cancer; including my mother, aunt and grandmother. Unfortunately this disease does not have a cure yet, but I will continue to support causes in search of one.
This month the Penguin Group will be donating to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Please get involved by purchasing a best-selling romance novel with a Read Pink seal, or simply by spreading the word. More information about this cause & which authors are participating are in the details below, directly from the Penguin Group (USA).
What’s black and white and pink all over? The initiative by the Penguin Group (USA) called Read Pink® in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October)!
This literary embrace of a life-saving cause last year resulted in more than 400,000 best-selling romances shipped with Read Pink seals and information about the charity it supports – The Breast Cancer Research Foundation® (BCRF). Penguin is thrilled to partner once again this year with BCRF, as 91 cents of every dollar spent by BCRF is directed towards breast cancer research and awareness programs.
The $25,000 donation that Penguin Group USA contributes, regardless of sales, provides vital funds to support the mission of BCRF.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Penguin Group (USA)’s Read Pink® editions, we are featuring a few participating authors and what Read Pink® means to them…
Karen White (2013 Read Pink® Spokesperson), The Beach Tree
"To all of those who have fought the fight, or are in the middle of the battle, here’s a two-thumbs up for you. You are not alone. We are all in this together.”
Erika Robuck, Hemingway’s Girl
“As one whose life has felt the shadow of breast cancer through two friends’ illnesses this year, it is an honor to be included in Penguin’s READ PINK campaign. It is my greatest hope that this contribution may be a part of raising awareness and finding a cure.” ~Erika Robuck”
Jodi Thomas, Just Down the Road
“Breast Cancer is something all women fear. I’ve walked with two dear friends through the battlefield and both survived. We all must fight until the day comes when no one knows anyone who has had breast cancer.”
Carly Phillips, Perfect Fit
“So many of us have been touched by cancer, either personally, or through a family member or a friend's diagnosis. I'm honored to be part of the Read Pink! program. Purchasing a Pink book donates money to the The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Buy and Read Pink! and together we can do our part to eliminate this dreaded disease.”
Catherine Anderson, Lucky Penny
“Breast cancer is a killer that robbed me of one friend and threatened the life of another. One out of four women may get this dreaded disease. I am honored that this is my fourth title to be featured in the READ PINK campaign, and I am proud to be writing for a publishing house willing to engage, year after year, in the battle to save the lives of women.”
LuAnn McLane, Pitch Perfect
“Shortly after my mother’s diagnosis with breast cancer, I found out I was pregnant with my fourth child, a risky pregnancy that wasn’t supposed to happen. I believe that during the treatments my mother drew strength from the determination to see her granddaughter born. That was twenty-two years ago and my mother still refers to Cara as ‘her gift’. Cara’s birthday is a lovely reminder that my mother is cancer free. I am thrilled to have Pitch Perfect as part of the Read Pink program. Any small part I can play in the fight against cancer is a huge honor for me.”
Liane Moriarty, What Alice Forgot
“The last three generations of my family have been affected by breast cancer. We, like so many other families, understand all too well the importance of research.
So I feel very moved and privileged to be a part of such a wonderful initiative as Read Pink.”
Alyson Richman, The Lost Wife
"My own life changed dramatically when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer just before the publication of "The Lost Wife" in 2011, so it is incredibly meaningful that the book is now helping to find a cure for other women who have been afflicted with breast cancer. Read Pink is helping to unite readers and authors for an extremely important cause. Please buy a book for a mother, a daughter, or a friend to show your support for this disease that takes too many lives. My children lost their grandmother to breast cancer, so I know I'll be buying the other books included in the program, to honor this woman we all loved.”
Sarah Jio, The Last Camellia
"Breast cancer is a villain more sinister than any shadowy figure in my stories. I know someone with an advanced case of the disease, a woman who is bravely fighting, but who has been given a short time to live. She will leave behind three children, a husband and a truly beautiful life. All I can says is that if there is hope to end this horrific disease, to bring this villain to justice, I want to be part of it. And I'm so very honored that The Last Camellia was chosen to be a part of Penguin's Read Pink campaign. Together, we can help write a new story for breast cancer and hopefully give more women the happy endings they deserve."
Full List of 2013 Participating Authors:Karen White, The Beach TreesNora Roberts, Chasing FireErika Robuck, Hemingway’s GirlJodi Thomas, Just Down the RoadCarly Phillips, Perfect FitJoAnn Ross, Sea Glass WinterKaren Rose, Did You Miss Me?Catherine Anderson, Lucky PennyKate Jacobs, The Friday Night Knitting ClubLuAnn McLane, Pitch PerfectLiane Moriarty, What Alice ForgotAlyson Richman, The Lost WifeSarah Jio, The Last CamelliaPenelope Lively, How It All Began
Mark your calendars and remember to join in the conversation with @BerkleyRomance and @PenguinUSA on Twitter in October. Make sure to use the hashtag #ReadPink!
For more information follow @BerkleyRomance and @PenguinUSA, and visit www.us.penguingroup.com/readpink.
Read Pink® Blog Tour Schedule
Please support the blogs taking part in this special, Read Pink® Spotlight Tour!
October 1 – Guest post and entire Read Pink 2013 collection giveaway by spokesperson Karen White on Chick Lit Is Not Dead
“Spotlight” Blog Tour
September 23 Bridger Bitches Book Blog; Wicked Little Pixie
September 24 A Tasty Read Reviews; My Daily Romance
September 25 The Allure of Books; Ticket to Anywhere
September 26 Bookish Babe; Swoon Worthy Books
September 30 Sunshine and Mountains Book Reviews; Winding Stairs Book Blog
October 1 Eye on Romance; Books, Books, and More Books
October 2 Books-N-Kisses; Reviews By Tammy and Kim
October 3 Urban Fantasy Investigations; The Book Cellar
October 4 Supernatural Snark; Got Fiction? Books
October 7 Theresa’s Reading Corner; Romantic Book Affairs
October 8 Book Addicts Not So Anonymous; The Romance Dish;
October 9 Bitten By Love Reviews; Kindles & Wine
October 10 The Book Bellas; Stuck in Books
October 11 Thoughts in Progress; That’s What I’m Talking About
October 14 Boekie's Book Reviews; The Romance Studio
October 15 Paranormal Book Club; Ruby’s Reads
October 16 Stuck in YA Books; Caffeinated Book Reviewer
October 17 Always YA at Heart; Fiction Vixen; The Reading Café
October 18 Fiction Fare; My Book Addiction and More
October 21 Adria’s Romance Reviews; Cocktails & Books
October 22 Reality Bites! Let’s get Lost!; Literal Addiction
October 23 G Reads Books!; Reading Between the Wines
October 24 The Book Binge; SheReads.org
October 25 The Irish Banana Reviews; Harlequin Junkie
October 28 Readers Live A Thousand Lives; The Delighted Reader
October 29 Reviewing Wonderland;
October 30 Smexy Books; Hesperia Loves Books

This is such a great event for a great cause. The books sound really good too!